Receive insights & guidance into your situation

In a reading with me, we explore the grey area of life, so you can better understand your situation and how to move forward.

I will provide insights and guidance into your situation, give you actionable steps on how to move forward & show what is going on in a situation so you can get a better grasp on it.

Confidence Boost Tarot Reading

Let me hype you up and give you a boost of confidence. We can look at all the amazing parts about yourself.

Tarot Reading

Let’s clear up any situation that is currently producing question marks. Great for general insights, guidance and direction.

Tarot Reading

We do an entire overview of the upcoming 6 months, month-by-month for themes of your choosing (love, career, friendship, general).

Live 1:1
Tarot Reading

Hop on a 30-minute call with me and ask all your questions. I answer them through pulling the cards. It’s a good time!

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